Dsp quattro 4 review
Dsp quattro 4 review

New capability to drag&shift PlayList audio region without shifting all the rest (keep option key pressed) New Extend mode for XFades between PlayList audio regions (keep option+shift pressed) New Normalize commands on PlayList to normalize one region only, all regions one by one, or the PlayList

dsp quattro 4 review

New Replace command on PlayList to replace an existing region audio file with another one New Generic Markers support also on the PlayList New External I/O device send/return internal plug-in module, to address external hardware as "plug-in" New Option for Grouping/Ungrouping Audio File Editor Windows New HQ FrequencyShifter Algoritm by HQ Spectral Re-synthesizer New HQ TimeStretching Algoritm by HQ Spectral Re-synthesizer New Master BPM MIDI clock to synchronize Effect and Instrument plug-ins

dsp quattro 4 review

New 32 bits HQ Graphic Level Waveform Display New Drag&Drop features also to copy&paste audio waveforms between audio editors

Dsp quattro 4 review upgrade#

If you purchased a 3.x license after the 1st of March 2012, please contact the support, the upgrade to version 4 is for free! Owners of DSP-Quattro version 2.x or 3.x can upgrade to DSP-Quattro version 4.x for 15 euro / 19 US$ ONLY. Moreover, new High Quality Time Stretching and Frequency Shifting algorithms are built-in in version 4, there is a new graphic editor for Fade-In/Outs, up to 4 Aux busses to address outputs, user configurable key commands, an unlimited number of effx slots to insert plug-ins, a new internal "plug-in" module to address external audio hardware for external audio processing.

dsp quattro 4 review

There is an astonishing built-in de-clicker tool for audio restoration, side by side with a new pencil tool to re-draw waveforms by hand, and also a very useful gain tool to manually lower transients by a real-time graphic control. There is a new graphic Cut Editor which offers the maximum flexibility doing click-free cut&paste of audio waveforms, allowing you to draw x-fades curves by yourself. This new major version introduces a lot of important new features and improvements.

Dsp quattro 4 review